London Court, Perth

the photos below are two of my favorite shots taken here in the city of Perth.

this avenue is called the London Court. the place is far from what you normally see once you get out of it. the old and small shops designed for selling souvenirs are really fantastic. it's a very short avenue but nevertheless,full of surprises. one shop could sell souvenirs of all sorts, the others would either be selling traditional souvenirs made of kangaroo's or other animals skin. there are also some coffee shops for those who would like to sit ,relax and enjoy the view.

it is a busy street during daytime since most tourists or visitors would flock that place to scout for a good thing to bring home.

i bought some key chains, necklaces and bracelets made of silver, including the coin purse made of a kangaroo's scrotum,hahaha they liked that at home.

there are also other places to procure some souvenirs but this London Court is just along the city. you don't have to go far nor hop from one shop to the other since it's all there.

there is also a money changer around the corner,one doesn't have to worry about AUD's anymore.
