licensure exams..

Last week, one of my student's parent approached me while I was about to leave the school. She said she's really glad to see me back and she continued by appreciating my efforts in making her child understand fully all the lessons. She kept on praising and comparing me with the substitute teachers who took charge while I was away. Funny thing was, the talk lead us to discussing the school’s policies regarding teachers who aren’t licensed. The mommy said she questions the school for accepting teachers who aren’t licensed. I’ve been controlling myself not to divulge the fact that I myself belongs to that category. I haven’t taken the licensure exams yet. I was in Australia during the September exams. But my point here is, I think being a teacher is not supposed to be measured on whether or not you have that PRC card. I don’t think it should be seen as the only proof to show that one becomes an effective professional.

Same thing with the bar examinations, I don’t fully agree with the four-Sundays examinations which decides one’s destiny in the law profession. I know some who have failed in the bar exams but are far smarter than the lawyers that we have nowadays. Is it proper for just one exam to become the only reason why we can’t pursue our wants in life? I don’t think the multiple choice type of exams for most professions should be sufficient in measuring our abilities and intelligence. What happens then to the four or five years of stay in college, or 8 years for the case of law students or med students? Should we just let go of those years and spend another decade with our professors?

I haven’t taken the exam yet but from where I am standing I could attest that it is not the sole determiner nor should we box ourselves on those exams. Don’t you think they should have it abolished? Hehe
